ATL Articulation

We have started to map our ATL implementation in the school, documenting not only where and when, but how. 

Many of the examples I have seen are quite complex, so I was trying to create a document that is easy to read, for an educator and for an administrator. 

ATL Skills - Another thing to think of? 

I challenged some teachers recently about skills-based learning and asked the question: 'When a student walks into your classroom and sits down, how many different skills are you assuming they have in place? Based on what you indentified, how many of those skills are taught, by whom and when? Can you state with confidence that you know?'

When I do this, teachers are often frustrated, seeing this as 'yet another thing'. Upon explanation and discussion, we see that we do address many of these skills through our teaching, but we dont know it.
In knowing, we can better deliver to the students, and ensure the right skills are in place when developing our summative assessment.

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