The Global Learning Experience

This image makes me reflect on the idea of digital connection. I feel the danger with our digital universe is, like many things, that we reach too far too soon.

This map of inter-connectivity is a wonderful concept but also can lead us on a perilous journey, that can cause us to make haphazard steps in reaching out. Many a dead or dying wikispace or blog lies in my wake!

This image makes me consider how a small venture can still circulate, the smallest connection can open another door.

Like most tools, its about the use.

1st June 2016

Oh how I do like what the internet throws at you sometimes. As part of the IBcourse I am currently working on, I had to type in the phrase 'digital citizenship infographics'. One of the images I received back was the following:

Ive been looking for a succinct way to discuss internet safety and responsible engagement and digital citizenship with students. 

I think Im going to stick this picture up in my grade 7 class and say 'discuss'. Brilliant. And hats off to the young man in the picture!

31st May 2016

To tweet or not to tweet. I read this cartoon recently which made me giggle. It's how I used to feel (still do? Sometimes..) about the Twitterverse. Especially chats. I think I'm too much of an old fart to grab the concept of twitter chats. I feel like I'm trying to fly-fish on a waterfall while processing the musing of Von Clausewitz.

That being said, my appreciation and understanding has grown. As with the introduction of any new tool I have learned from the example of competent colleagues who wield it in front of me, showing me the intricacies of posting and responding, following and liking.

An exciting development? Looking at June (#theend #windingdown #nomorereports) with new vigour. I have to be honest, I never thought about making new connections in June. I have always tried to make my last few weeks of teaching engaging and beneficial to the last lesson, but make new links/guest speakers/pen pals? Not on your life!

Now I'm excited to try. I look forward to log in tomorrow (1st of June folks!) and try to connect. Truth be told I have more than enough to do, but Im trying to prevent that from getting in my way.

Wish me luck!

22nd May 2016

Twitter - An instant ability to network
Its hard to imagine the world pre-tweets, but that is what it was when I started teaching in an IB school. Twitter did not exist in 2004, nor the idea of sharing ideas about education on a global platform.
It was difficult to keep up with the changing face of education around the world and that was important at a time when the MYP and PYP were developing so much. I think if someone told me I could zoom in on a teachers thoughts on pedagogy, on the other side of the globe, in a heartbeat, I would have (probably) laughed at the idea.

The benefits of Twitter? For me that would be

Speed - The ability to get what might have taken a day, completed in an hour

Contacts - Conencting with IB teachers, where before it may have been just you and the people in your school who did (or did not) know what they were talking about

The world on a pin-head - Quick snapshots from around the world about what people are thinking

The downsides? 

Spam - I miss the day when this simply referred a type of meat I wasnt particularly fond of.

Limitations - I personally find the character restirctions more of an irritation than an aid

Hashtag phenomenon - Although I appreciate there ingenious function, the use of them drives me a bit nuts.

The original Hash-tag sketch (pre-Fallon+Timberlake)


  1. Love the video. I guess when it comes down to it if this type of connecting works for you then it can be transformational. Either way and whatever tool you use making connections has benefits.

  2. Haha This is one of my biggest problems with social networks. I hate the hashtag, I understand its importance, but I hate when people hashtag everything.
