Digital Learning Continuum

04th June 2016
As part of a course I am doing on authentic global learning experiences, I have been asked to reflect on the Learner Profile attributes in terms of digital citizenship.

I decided to create the poster below.

Background image sourced from:

If you have difficulty viewing the text above, I have pasted it below so if can be copied easily, if anyone is interested!

Understanding there are different perspectives on the topics we read about
Understanding that it is important to know these different perspectives before weighing in with an opinion
Understanding that connections in the physical and digital world are important

Understanding that you are responsible for your own actions and choices on a computer
Understanding the importance of responsible action online, for yourself and for others
Understanding that those who have a voice should use it responsibly and that we should think of those who do not have free access to global communication

Understanding that making judgement without information is not open-minded
Understanding that freedom of speech means hearing and seeing things you may not like or agree with
Understanding that the views you now hold may not be right and may need to be adjusted

Understanding the benefit of constructive feedback when posting or commenting
Understanding the importance of looking back on our choices and our actions online
Understanding the role you play as a global citizen when connecting on the internet

Understanding the importance of not just asking any questions, but the right questions - especially online.
Understanding that having an opinion means having a good understanding of a topic, not just asking the easy questions
Understanding that not all websites are the same and not all are reliable

Understanding the rapid change we see in technology and how we connect
Understanding creativity and diversity is key to growing in a digital world
Understanding that having access to information online can lead to meaningful connections if we are critical and adaptive in your approach.
Understanding that once you post, there isn’t an undo button.
Understanding what is true online today may not be true tomorrow.

Understanding that global empathy needs action, not passive comments on forums
Understanding that a respectful digital citizen takes action
Understanding that you have a role to play in how communities interact online

Understanding that good communication is knowing when not to tweet or post
Understanding that communication means listening and reflecting on what we see, hear and read when digitally connecting
Understanding that your voice can have influence over people in lands you may never see.

Understanding that the online world is a rapidly changing universe
Understanding that knowledge is not finite
Understanding that if you are knowledgeable, then you make efforts to make meaningful connections and develop deeper understandings of different topics and ideas.
Understanding that the most knowledgeable of us are the ones who use the internet to challenge their understanding of the world.

Understanding that taking risks on the internet does not mean being irresponsible and acting recklessly
Understanding that being a risk-taker in a digital world, means standing up for those targeted, oppressed or restricted.
Understanding that there are new tools and technology every day and being willing to use it and fail


  1. I like that a lot, Robert. Highlights for me included:

    "Understanding that those who have a voice should use it responsibly and that we should think of those who do not have free access to global communication"
    I think this is good because it challenges the assumption many of kids have about access to tech - especially in affluent countries like Norway.

    Understanding that making judgement without information is not open-minded
    Understanding that freedom of speech means hearing and seeing things you may not like or agree with
    Understanding that the views you now hold may not be right and may need to be adjusted"

    Again, this will challenge a lot of our students. Especially the last part...

    Understanding the importance of not just asking any questions, but the right questions - especially online.
    Understanding that having an opinion means having a good understanding of a topic, not just asking the easy questions
    Understanding that not all websites are the same and not all are reliable."

    I hope that this would challenge many of our students to look for harder questions and better answers. When it comes to inquiring on the internet, I keep coming back to the old joke about the drunk looking for his keys under the streetlight...

    Understanding that global empathy needs action, not passive comments on forums
    Understanding that a respectful digital citizen takes action
    Understanding that you have a role to play in how communities interact online"
    The knowledge that we make the internet what it is, by our interactions with one another, but also by our failure to speak up when people are abusive.


    Understanding that if you are knowledgeable, then you make efforts to make meaningful connections and develop deeper understandings of different topics and ideas."

    Again, I hope this would challenge children to go deeper and get them to seek deeper connections.

    Understanding that being a risk-taker in a digital world, means standing up for those targeted, oppressed or restricted."

    As always with your practice Robert, the focus is on challenging children's sometimes priveliged viewpoints and on developing meaningful action.

  2. Robert this is a great post. I think you have a good idea of what you want the students at your school to be doing and gaining from their explorations.
